Become a mediator / arbitrator at TAMI
To submit your application as a future mediator / arbitrator, you will have to:
- Fill in the registration form containing the basic information;
- Describe your fields of knowledge and experience according to the format requested by TAMI;
- Enclose a detailed CV with photo and two letters of recommendation.
List of mediators / arbitrators
It is the main objective of the TAMI list of mediators and arbitrators to help parties in identifying potential mediators and arbitrators. The mediator or arbitrator must have relevant experience and expertise, knowledge of the sector, and a good understanding of the commercial background of the subject-matter of the dispute. There is a twofold objective as to the information to be provided for inclusion in the list of TAMI
mediators and arbitrators:
- on the one hand to facilitate the evaluation by the selection committee in consideration of admittance, and
- on the other hand to give the users of the list all information necessary to choose a mediator or arbitrator who has the expertise and experience needed for the particular dispute. The second aspect is very important as it is the very purpose of the TAMI list of mediators and arbitrators to help its users identifying a person suitably qualified to assist the parties as their mediator or to decide on their case.
Selection committee
The board of TAMI is the selection committee of TAMI
Offline registration?
You may register offline by downloading the form.
Fill in the document and upload it here! We will contact you shorty after.